15 Listings By QingLong

Pillager PGL-5L

This miniature is a 3D-printed prototype, and was part of the 2023 CSO GenCon diorama.

Raptor II RPT-5X

This miniature has been modified, and was featured in the CamoSpecs 2023 GenCon diorama.

Sagittaire SGT-14D

This miniature has been modified to the 14D variant.

Locust IIC

Part of the Mercenary Kickstarter, coming March 2023!This miniature is a 3D-printed prototype and

Doom Courser Prime

This miniature is a 3D-printed prototype and was included in the 2022 Gen Con Diorama

Turkina M

This miniature has been modified to the M variant and was featured in the 2022 GenCon diorama.