Dire Wolf (Daishi)

Miniature is modified to represent the H variant. Bits used are from Gargoyle arm gun barrles, and 25mm elemental laser barrles.

Blood Feud Gamma Galaxy uses Clan Star Adder's standard colors of black and dark blue, highlighted with crimson trim. Per FM:Crusader Clans, page 124.Other references: Warhammer IIC, Rifleman IIC, Wyvern IIC, Marauder IIC, Hellfire, Jagatai, Gorgon, Combat Equipment Guide (color plate 1) Warhammer IIC, Gorgon, Combat Equipment Guide (color plate 2)


All Adder ‘Mechs and fighters bear the Clan insignia on the left arm or wing and right leg or empennage. Galaxy insignias are displayed on the right arms or wings and left legs or empennages, while Cluster insignias may be worn on the right torsos of ‘Mechs or the fuselages of fighters.

The Galaxy’s insignia is an Arcadian star adder devouring a stylized version of the Clan Blood Spirit standard.

Per FM:Crusader Clans, pages 118 and 124, and CSO.  updated 3/2/24

Code: 20-607RE

Daishi (Dire Wolf) Resculpt


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