Ymir BWP-2B

Painted for Secret Santa 2010!

Lyran Guard equipment is painted blue, with white applied as a broad vertical stripe covering portions of the right torso, arm, and leg. For vehicles and aerospace craft, the stripe covers some or all of the right side.Per CSO (edited 8/5/23) and Per FM: Lyran Alliance, page 74.Other references: Fenrir BA, CB: Miniatures Rules (p 22) Barghest, Banshee, Lynx, Salamander, Commando, Uziel, Thanatos, CB: Miniatures Rules (p 9)


The Lyran Guards’ insignia depicts a stylized white horse head that appears on the left leg of BattleMechs or the left side of vehicles. Regimental insignia appear on the right leg or side. The insignia of the Third Lyran Guards is a pair of crossed broadswords. Per FM:Lyran Alliance, pages 74 and 75.

Code: 20-490

Ymir BWP-2B


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