Black Knight BL-9-KNT

Black Knight BL-9-KNT Photo

This miniature is a prototype of Juggernaut Studios’ BL-9-KNT “Clanbuster” Black Knight

The Com Guards simply paint their vehicles white for official occasions and use appropriate camouflage for combat.Per FM: ComStar, page 17.Other references: Highlander, Black Knight, Exterminator, Crab, Battle of Tukayyid (front cover) Black Knight, Battle of Tukayyid (p 171) King Crab, Battle of Tukayyid (p 178)


The insignia of the Sixth Army shows an armored knight, standing with a sword in one hand and a mace in the other. Per FM: ComStar, page 30.

Code: TBD

Black Knight BL-9-KNT (CGL)


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