Stalker Resculpt

Stalker Resculpt Photo

This is the second sculpt of the Stalker.

The Future Guards The Pesht District Regular Forces use a color scheme built around white and gray, with green and dark blue accents. The Seventh Pesht favors white with green stripes. Per FM:Draconis Combine, page 72.Other references: none


The District Regulars insignia is a green dragon encircling a planet. Though the insignia is always displayed prominently on a ‘Mech or vehicle, every regiment places it in a different area. All Pesht Regular ‘Mechs also sport the Kurita Dragon crest on the upper left leg. They display only the Kurita crest and the insignia of the Pesht District Regulars. Per FM: Draconis Combine, pages 69 and 72.

Code: 20-383

Stalker Resculpt STK-3F/STK-7D


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